
Knowing, owning, and becoming you- The person YOU are longing to be

What is it about?

Who is it for?

How does it work?


"The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity."
― John F. Kennedy

In our lifetime, we would have undergone many phases of crisis and transition into becoming who we are today. But midlife comes with its kind of vulnerability, challenges, and crisis.Metamorphosis is different from any ordinary transformation. It requires complete change at every level of being.The caterpillar eventually becomes a butterfly, but it must first go through the cocoon phase.Cocoons are dark, scary, uncertain, and challenging. There is change happening, but it feels lonely and helpless.A midlife crisis is a cocoon phase. Feeling lonely, stuck, lost, unsure, unprepared, and hopeless is the normThe struggles and challenges are not new, but the ability to face them is somehow lesser than before, so we feel.The happiness graph takes a dip in midlife and takes time to come up again. We can choose to wait in despair, or we can take action to lift the graph sooner.But this needs a new set of courage to embrace the change, clarity to navigate through it, and the confidence to show up with the changesThis coaching workshop aims to equip you with all you need to change your graph faster and find the happiness, peace, success, renewed purpose and well-beingyou feel is missing in you now.

Who is it for?

Though midlife crisis is common to both gender, there is a significant difference in the intensity and nature of the challenges in both genders. Midlife crisis in women is far more complicated than in men due to the co-existence of hormonal factors -menopause.But as a doctor and midlife-
working woman, I know that there exists a phase of identity crisis in women which is not related to menopause/perimenopause.
It is unfair to categorize the emotionally-physical-mentally vulnerable phase to hormonal effects alone. There is more to what you are going through.So, this course is for you if..1. You are a woman.
2. You fall between the age of 35 to 60.
3. You are currently experiencing a challenging phase in your life.
4. You feel your life is out of control.
5. You feel passionless and lack enthusiasm and energy for life.
6. You are seeking redirection.
7. You want to be supported.
8. You want to align yourself back to who you are.
9. You want to take control of your happiness, peace, and wellbeing.
10. You want to redesign the life of your choice

How does this work?

This is coaching -journaling workshop.This includes
i) weekly webinar + group coaching (90min)
ii) continuous journaling activities ( 3 times/week)
iii) Personal development assignments.
iv) group sharing
v) certificate (E) and graduation
Start date -04-08.2022Group coaching sessions Thursday 4th,11th,18th August, and 1st of September (note: no class on the 25th of August)

If you are interested, these are the things that you need to know before you register 1. Be ready to do the work
2. This is a paid workshop, the energy exchange is RM 111.10
3. Full Attendance is highly adviced